Lily's Lively Feast

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She lived in a small village with her family and loved to cook. One day, she decided to make a big feast for everyone.

She went to the market and bought cherries, rice, chicken, eggs, oranges, tea, potatoes, bread, fish, onions, and milk. She brought everything home and started cooking.

Just as she was about to put the finishing touches on the feast, she realized she had run out of salt. She quickly ran back to the market, but when she came back, she found that all the food had come to life!

The chicken was dancing on the table, the fish was singing, the bread was playing an accordion, and the potatoes were doing a conga line. The onions were crying because they were so happy, and the milk was acting as a DJ.

Lily was so surprised that she couldn't stop laughing. She joined in the feast, and it turned out to be the best meal she ever had. From that day on, every time she cooked, the food would come to life and have a party.

And that's how Lily became known as the greatest chef in the village, who cooked the most delicious and lively meals. The end.


  1. What did Lily buy at the market to make a feast?
  2. Why did the food come to life in the story?
  3. Who was the best chef in the village after the feast?
  4. What happened every time Lily cooked a meal?
  5. How did the onions feel during the feast?

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