The Duck who Became the Leader of the Farmyard

Once upon a time, in a farmyard, there was a chicken who wanted to be the leader of all the animals. So one day, she gathered all the animals - the dog, cat, horse, bird, duck, and sheep - and announced that she was going to choose the next leader.

The dog barked, "I should be the leader, I'm the bravest of all!" The cat meowed, "I should be the leader, I'm the most graceful." The horse neighed, "I should be the leader, I'm the strongest."

Just then, a little bird flew down and said, "Why don't we let the duck be the leader? She's always calm and never gets upset, no matter what." All the animals agreed and the duck became the new leader.

From then on, the farmyard was filled with peace and laughter as the duck led all the animals on silly adventures. And even though the chicken didn't become the leader, she was still happy because she had made many new friends.

The end.


  1. Why did the chicken want to be the leader?
  2. Who became the leader of the farmyard?
  3. What made the duck a good leader?
  4. Who were the other animals in the farmyard?
  5. Was the chicken happy at the end of the story? Why or why not?

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