Timmy the Trendy T-Shirt

Once upon a time, there was a T-shirt named Timmy who lived in a closet with other clothes. One day, Timmy saw that all his friends were getting picked to be worn but he was always left behind. So, he made a plan to stand out.

Next morning, Timmy put on some trousers and a shirt on top of himself. But, the person who was supposed to wear him, said he looked too boring. Timmy didn't give up, he asked the skirt named Sally for help. Sally lent him her frilly pink blouse, now he looked fabulous. As he was about to leave the closet, the shoes named Sammy offered him some sandals to complete the look.

Timmy finally got picked and was so happy. He had so much fun playing outside, but when it was time to return to the closet, he realized he had lost one of the sandals. He asked the jeans named Jerry and the jumper named Jilly for help, but they couldn't find it.

Finally, Timmy came up with an idea. He asked all his friends to search the house wearing only one shoe each. They found the missing sandal and Timmy returned to the closet as the most fashionable piece of clothing.

From that day on, Timmy was never forgotten and always got picked first, because he learned that being creative and having fun is what makes you stand out. The end.


  1. What does Timmy do to stand out from the other clothes?
  2. How does Timmy try to find the missing sandal?
  3. What does Timmy learn about what makes him special?
  4. Why do you think the person who was going to wear Timmy changed their mind about wearing him?
  5. Can you think of a different item of clothing that could have helped Timmy stand out even more?

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