Teddy Bear Goes to School: A Fun Adventure with Barbie and Chess

Once upon a time, there was a teddy bear who loved to read comic books. One day, he found a jigsaw puzzle and decided to solve it. As he worked on the puzzle, he heard a school bus approaching. The bear ran outside and saw that the school bus was carrying a Barbie doll. The Barbie doll was on her way to play chess with some friends. The teddy bear was so excited that he jumped on the bus and joined in the fun. After a long game of chess, the teddy bear decided to write a story about his adventure. He used paper and a story book to write down all of his memories. The end.


  1. What is the teddy bear's favorite thing to do?
  2. Who did the teddy bear meet on the school bus?
  3. What did the teddy bear do after playing chess?
  4. Why did the teddy bear write a story about his adventure?

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