The Adventures of Shy Bunny: From Sad to Happy

Once upon a time, there was a shy bunny who lived in a forest. One day, the bunny felt sad because it was hungry and thirsty. But when it tried to find something to eat or drink, it couldn't find anything. That made the bunny mad! Suddenly, the bunny saw a carrot and a glass of water. It was so happy that it ate the carrot and drank the water. After that, the bunny felt sleepy, so it went to bed. The end.


  1. Why was the bunny feeling sad?
  2. What made the bunny feel happy?
  3. How did the bunny feel at the end of the story?
  4. Can you think of a different name for the bunny in the story?
  5. What do you think the bunny dreamed about when it went to sleep?

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