Snowball and the Colorful Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a white cat named Snowball who lived in a colorful world. One day, Snowball saw a gray mouse in the forest and followed it. The mouse led Snowball to a pink palace where the king of the mice lived in. The king offered Snowball to join his army to defeat the evil black cat who stole all the blueberries from the village.

Snowball agreed and met with the green army of frogs and red army of birds. Together, they set off on a journey to defeat the black cat and bring back the blueberries. They encountered many challenges along the way but with teamwork and determination, they finally reached the black cat's lair.

In a fierce battle, Snowball and his friends defeated the black cat and retrieved all the blueberries. The pink palace threw a big celebration and the king declared Snowball as their hero. From that day on, Snowball lived happily ever after and continued to help the army whenever needed.

The End.


  1. What was Snowball's mission?
  2. Who was the leader of the mice army?
  3. What were the challenges that Snowball and his friends faced on their journey?
  4. What was the outcome of the battle against the black cat?
  5. Why was Snowball declared a hero?

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