Sally's Shopping Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sally. She was out shopping with her mom one day when she saw a stand that was selling the most beautiful bracelets she had ever seen. She begged her mom to buy her one and her mom finally gave in and bought her a pretty pink bracelet.

Sally was so happy with her new bracelet that she immediately put it on and showed it off to her mom. They continued shopping and Sally found a T-shirt that she really liked. It had her favorite cartoon character on it and she asked her mom if she could buy it. Her mom said yes, and Sally was so excited to wear it to school the next day.

When they got home, Sally wanted to show her new bracelet and T-shirt to her best friend, so she sent her a picture. Her best friend loved it and asked where she got it. Sally told her the story of her shopping trip with her mom and how she had gotten the bracelet and T-shirt.

The next day, when Sally went to school, she gave her best friend a present. It was a bracelet that looked just like the one she had bought. Her friend was so happy and thanked Sally for the present.

Sally was glad that she could share her happiness with her best friend. She was also happy that she had bought a drink and made a bracelet, sent a picture, gave a present, showed a T-shirt, and told a story. It was a great day for Sally and her best friend.

The end.


  1. What did Sally buy at the stand?
  2. Who did Sally send a picture of her new purchases to?
  3. What did Sally give her best friend the next day at school?
  4. Why was Sally happy about giving her best friend a present?
  5. What did Sally do during her shopping trip with her mom that made it a great day for her and her best friend?

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