Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. He loved to go on camping trips with his family. One day, they packed up their tent and sleeping bags and hiked to the top of a big hill.
When they reached the top, they set up their tent and made their beds inside. Timmy was so excited to sleep under the stars that night. As they settled in, they heard a bell ringing in the distance. Timmy's dad told him it was probably a cow, but Timmy couldn't wait to find out for himself.
The next day, they explored the hill and found a farmer's field. Timmy saw a cow with a bell around its neck, and he was thrilled to have been right. The farmer gave Timmy a glass of cold milk from the cow and he loved it.
As they were getting ready to leave the hill, Timmy's dad realized he had left his belt in the tent. They had to go back and get it before they could leave. Timmy was a little disappointed, but he knew it was important to make sure they had everything they needed.
When they finally got home, Timmy was exhausted but happy. He couldn't wait to tell his friends about his adventures on the hill, the cow with the bell, and the delicious milk he had drank. He went to his room, put on his pajamas and went to sleep on his own bed, dreaming of his next camping trip.
The End
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