Sir Lancelot and the Dragon's Lair

Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom, there lived a brave knight named Sir Lancelot. Sir Lancelot was on a quest to save the princess who was kidnapped by a wicked dragon.

As he set out on his journey, he came to a fork in the road. He had to decide whether to turn left or turn right. He thought for a moment and then decided to turn left.

Sir Lancelot rode his horse for two blocks and then he came to a busy street. He knew he had to cross the street to continue on his quest. He looked both ways, and when the coast was clear, he galloped across the street.

After crossing the street, Sir Lancelot found himself in a dense forest. He rode through the forest for hours, dodging trees and leaping over streams. Finally, He reached the dragon's lair. He fought the dragon and rescued the princess.

The princess was overjoyed and thanked Sir Lancelot for saving her. Together, they rode back to the kingdom, where they were welcomed as heroes.

The king was so grateful that he gave Sir Lancelot a medal of honor and the princess's hand in marriage. Sir Lancelot and the princess lived happily ever after.

Moral of the story: Always be brave and follow your dreams, no matter how hard the journey may seem.


  1. What did Sir Lancelot have to decide when he came to a fork in the road?
  2. How did Sir Lancelot cross the busy street safely?
  3. What did Sir Lancelot have to do in order to rescue the princess?
  4. What did the king do to show his gratitude to Sir Lancelot?

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