The Bicycle Ride to Friendship

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sarah who loved to ride her bicycle. She would ride around the neighborhood every day, exploring new streets and meeting new friends. One day, while she was out riding, she saw her neighbor, Jack, cleaning his room through the window.
Sarah was curious about why Jack was cleaning his room so she stopped her bicycle and knocked on his door.
Jack told her that he was waiting for his friends to come over and play baseball in the park that afternoon. But he wanted his room to be clean before they came over. Sarah thought that was a great idea and offered to help Jack clean his room.
They worked together and cleaned Jack's room in no time. They had so much fun working together that they decided to invite Sarah to play baseball with them in the park later.
The three of them had a great time playing baseball in the park and Sarah was so glad she stopped to help Jack clean his room. From that day on, Sarah and Jack became great friends and they played baseball together every weekend.
The end.


  1. What made Sarah stop her bicycle and knock on Jack's door?
  2. Why did Jack want to clean his room before his friends came over?
  3. How did Sarah and Jack's relationship change after they cleaned the room together?

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