The Pranking Family

Once upon a time, there was a brother named Billy who loved to play pranks on his family. One day, he convinced his sister that their mum and dad were actually aliens from another planet. His sister was so convinced, she told everyone at school and soon the rumor spread like wildfire. When the whole family gathered at grandma and grandpa's house for dinner, the sister went up to them and asked if it was true. Grandma and Grandpa couldn't stop laughing and told her it was just a silly joke by Billy. The next day at school, the sister got back at Billy by convincing him that Grandma and Grandpa were actually robots in disguise. The whole family had a good laugh and realized the importance of not believing everything they heard.


  1. Why did Billy play a prank on his sister?
  2. How did the sister react when she heard the rumor about their parents being aliens?
  3. What was the sister's prank on Billy?
  4. What did Grandma and Grandpa think of the pranks played by the siblings?
  5. What is the main message of the story?

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