The Arctic Swim Race: A Tale of Wacky Swimmers.

Once upon a time, in the frozen Arctic, there lived a group of animals: a penguin, a walrus, a reindeer, a polar bear, a narwhal, and a beluga whale. They decided to have a race to see who was the fastest swimmer. The penguin was so confident, he bet all his fish on himself winning. But as they began to race, they noticed the beluga whale was in the lead! The penguin tried to catch up, but the walrus kept getting in his way. The reindeer tried to use his antlers as paddles, but only ended up splashing water everywhere. The polar bear was too busy catching fish to even swim. The narwhal just swam in circles. In the end, the beluga whale won and the penguin had to pay up all his fish. The animals all laughed and had a great feast together. The End.


  1. Who do you think will win the race?
  2. Why do you think the penguin was so confident?
  3. Who ended up being the fastest swimmer in the end?
  4. What did the animals do after the race?
  5. How would you have done in the race if you were one of the animals?

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