The Emotions' Jester Competition

Once upon a time, there lived a group of emotions named Surprised, Scared, Sleepy, Happy, Angry and Sad. They all lived in a kingdom called Feelings. One day, the king of Feelings announced that whoever makes the citizens of the kingdom laugh the most will be crowned as the jester of the kingdom.
So, Surprised and Scared decide to team up and put on a show. They act out a scene where Surprised keeps jumping out and scaring Scared, who pretends to be asleep. Happy, Angry and Sad watch from the audience and can't stop laughing. But then, Sleepy wakes up and gets angry because he was supposed to be part of the act. The scene ends with Sleepy chasing after Surprised and Scared and everyone laughing even harder. The king declared them all winners and they lived happily ever after. The end.


  1. What was the competition about in the kingdom of Feelings?
  2. Who did Surprised team up with for the competition and why?
  3. How did Sleepy react when he woke up during the show?
  4. What was the outcome of the competition and how did everyone feel about it?
  5. Can you think of a different ending for this story?

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