The Unusual Adventure of Benny, Crocky and Dolly

Once upon a time, there was a crocodile named Crocky who lived in the swamp. One day, Crocky met a bear named Benny and they became friends. They were enjoying a swim in the swamp when they noticed a dolphin named Dolly who was feeling sad.
Dolly told them that an eagle named Ellie had taken all of the fish in the river. Benny and Crocky decided to help Dolly and together, they came up with a plan.
They disguised themselves as birds and flew to the eagle's nest. Ellie was so surprised to see birds flying towards her that she didn't notice that they were actually a bear and a crocodile in disguise.
Benny and Crocky took all the fish back to the river and gave them to Dolly. Ellie was so embarrassed that she never took any more fish from the river again.
From that day on, Benny, Crocky, and Dolly became the best of friends and had many more adventures together.


  1. How did Benny and Crocky help Dolly?
  2. Why did Ellie stop taking fish from the river?
  3. What was the plan that Benny, Crocky, and Dolly came up with?
  4. What was the result of the plan?
  5. How did Benny, Crocky, and Dolly become friends?

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