The Tickle Adventure of Limpy the Leg

Once upon a time, there was a leg named Limpy who wanted to be the tickliest in all the land. Limpy rubbed his belly and thought of a plan. He decided to grow the longest hair on his foot. When he tried to comb it, Limpy realized his hand was too big to reach his toes. So he asked his teeth for help. They happily agreed and started nibbling away at the hair until it was just the right length. Limpy was very pleased with his new look. But then he realized that his finger was ticklier than his foot. So he rubbed his knee and wiggled his toes. His eye twinkled with delight as he laughed and tickled himself silly! The end.


  1. What was Limpy's plan to become the tickliest in all the land?
  2. Who helped Limpy with his hair on his foot?
  3. What did Limpy find to be the tickliest spot on his body?
  4. Why did Limpy laugh and tickle himself silly?
  5. How do you think Limpy felt after his adventure was over?

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