Zoo Adventure: A Sick Day Turned Exciting

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Emily. She was feeling sick one day, so her mom made her stay in bed. She was bored out of her mind, flipping through TV channels and staring at the ceiling. But then, her mom came in with a surprise.

"Emily, guess what? Your dad is coming home early from work today and he's going to take you to the zoo!" her mom exclaimed.

Emily's eyes lit up with excitement. She jumped out of bed, forgetting that she was sick, and got ready to go.

At the zoo, Emily saw all sorts of amazing animals. She saw lions and tigers and bears, oh my! She saw monkeys swinging from tree to tree and elephants spraying water from their trunks. She even got to feed the giraffes and pat a kangaroo.

By the end of the day, Emily was tired but still so excited from all the fun she had. She went to bed that night, dreaming of all the animals she saw and couldn't wait to go back to the zoo again. And the next day she woke up feeling much better!


  1. Why do you think Emily was so excited to go to the zoo?
  2. How did Emily's attitude change throughout the story?
  3. How do you think going to the zoo helped Emily feel better?

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