The Cleaning Adventures of Tim: A Forest Tale.

Once upon a time in a big and beautiful forest, there lived a young and old tree named Tim. Tim was always clean and proud of his appearance, but one day he noticed that all the other trees in the forest were dirty and ugly. Tim decided to help them and make the forest beautiful again. So, he went around the forest cleaning each tree with his branches. After a long day, Tim finally reached the new tree in the forest named Dave. Tim cleaned Dave and made him look beautiful, but just then, Tim realized that he himself was now dirty. He tried to clean himself but it was too late, as all the other trees started calling him "Dirty Tim". But Tim didn't mind, he was happy to have made the forest beautiful, even if it meant being called dirty. The end.


  1. Why did Tim decide to clean the forest?
  2. How did the other trees feel about Tim after he cleaned them?
  3. Did Tim care about being called "Dirty Tim"?
  4. What is the main lesson learned from Tim's story?

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