The Adventure of the MAT, BAT, RAN and Friends

Once upon a time, a MAT, BAT, and a RAN were traveling together in a VAN. They came across a RAT who was looking for a MAN to help him find his lost CAT. The three friends offered to help and they set off on their journey. Along the way, they found a CAN that they used to carry food and drinks. They also found a HAT that they gave to the RAT to keep him warm. When they finally found the CAT, they all celebrated by using a FAN to cool off. The end.


  1. Who are the main characters in the story?
  2. What was the rat looking for?
  3. How did the friends help the rat find his lost cat?
  4. What did they use to carry food and drinks?
  5. What did they give to the rat to keep him warm?

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