Fame: The Little Flame with a Name

Once upon a time, there was a little flame named Flame. Flame was a bright and curious flame, always eager to explore and play. One day, Flame came across a game that all the other flames were playing. It was a game of hide-and-seek, and Flame wanted to join in.

But the other flames told Flame that it couldn't play because it didn't have a name. Flame was very sad and didn't understand why it needed a name to play the game. So, it went to its friend, a wise old frame, to ask for advice.

The frame told Flame that a name is like a label that helps others identify you and know who you are. The frame suggested that Flame should choose a name that represents its unique qualities and characteristics.

Flame thought for a moment and then had an idea. It remembered how it always stood out in the dark because of its bright and glowing light. So, it chose the name "Fame" as its new label.

The other flames were impressed and welcomed Fame to the game. Fame played with joy and had so much fun. But, as the game was coming to an end, Fame made a mistake and accidentally put out one of the other flames. All the other flames started to blame Fame for the accident, but Fame explained that it didn't mean to do it and apologized.

The other flames forgave Fame and they all agreed that accidents happen and it's important not to blame others for things that were not done on purpose. From that day on, Fame played the same game with its friends, but now it had a name and a newfound understanding that everyone is the same and we all make mistakes.

The end.


  1. What did Flame learn about names in the story?
  2. Why did the other flames not let Flame play the game of hide-and-seek at first?
  3. What name did Flame choose for itself and why?
  4. How did the other flames react when Fame made a mistake in the game?
  5. What lesson did Fame learn from the experience of playing the game with its friends?

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