The Ultimate Fun Competition

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends who loved to do many fun activities. They liked to cook, swim, sing, skip, play badminton, volleyball, tennis, piano, ride, and skate.
One day, they decided to have a big competition to see who was the best at all these activities.
First, they cooked yummy food and then went for a swim in the lake. After that, they had a singing contest and skipped to the beat of their songs.
Next, they played a game of badminton followed by a heated match of volleyball. Then, they played some tennis and a piano duet.
Finally, they went for a horse ride and finished off with a skating race.
In the end, they realized that they all won because they had fun and made memories together.
The end.


  1. What did the friends like to do in the story?
  2. What kind of competition did they have?
  3. What did they learn at the end of the competition?
  4. What could you do with your friends to have fun and make memories?

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