The Prince's Fashion Fiasco

Once upon a time, there was a young prince who loved to play dress up. One day, he put on a helmet, scarf, belt, ring, crown, swimsuit, blouse, necklace, sandals, gloves, and trainers all at once! He looked so silly that his friends couldn't stop laughing. But the prince didn't mind, he continued to play and have fun. Suddenly, he tripped and fell into a mud puddle, getting all of his clothes dirty. So, he went to the royal washroom and got cleaned up. From then on, the prince learned to wear only one item at a time and not to mix and match in such a funny way. The End.


  1. Why did the prince's friends laugh at him?
  2. What did the prince learn from his experience?
  3. What would you wear if you were the prince?
  4. Did the prince have fun despite the mud puddle?
  5. How did the prince feel when he got clean?

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