The Adventures of Captain Brush and His Toothbrush-Wielding Crew".

Once upon a time, there was a pirate named Captain Brush. He had an orange jeep that he used to travel the seas in search of treasure. One day, he stumbled upon a glass bottle with a fairy trapped inside. The fairy granted him three wishes and Captain Brush wished for a robot to help him on his adventures. The next day, a woman appeared and offered to be his first mate. Together, they sailed the high seas, brushing their teeth every morning with their trusty toothbrushes, and lived happily ever after.


  1. What did Captain Brush wish for from the fairy in the glass bottle?
  2. Why did Captain Brush need a robot?
  3. Why was brushing their teeth important to Captain Brush and his crew?
  4. Can you think of another adventure Captain Brush and his crew might go on?

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