The Big Family Game of Hide and Seek

Once upon a time, there was a family with a mum, dad, brother, sister, uncle, cousin, grandma, grandpa, and aunt.
One day, they all decided to have a picnic in the park. During the picnic, the mum suggested a game of hide and seek.
The brother quickly hid behind a tree, but then he noticed that everyone else was hiding together in a big group.
Confused, the brother asked his cousin why they were all hiding together, and the cousin replied with a mischievous grin, "Because we want to win!"
The brother, not wanting to be left out, ran over to join the group, and suddenly the grandma, grandpa, aunt, and uncle jumped out shouting "Surprise!"
Everyone laughed and continued to have a fun-filled day at the park, making memories that would last a lifetime.


  1. Who suggested playing hide and seek in the park?
  2. Why did everyone hide together in a group?
  3. How did the brother feel when he saw everyone hiding together?
  4. Who surprised the brother when he joined the group?
  5. What was the outcome of the game of hide and seek?

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