Dot the Knot Collector

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Dot. Dot loved to play outside on her cot, but she always had to be careful not to get too hot in the sun.
One day, while Dot was playing, she saw a big blot on the ground. She went to investigate and found that it was a knot from a tree.
Dot was so curious about the knot that she forgot all about the hot sun. She spent the whole afternoon trying to untangle the knot.

As the day went on, Dot noticed that there were a lot of other knots on the ground. She decided to make a game out of it and started collecting all the knots she could find.

Dot's collection grew bigger and bigger until she had a whole lot of knots. But then, she realized she had forgotten to take a spot to put all her knots. So, she went to her house and took a spot from her room and put all her knots in it.

From then on, Dot became known as the Knot Collector and she had a special spot in her room just for her collection. She was so proud of her knots and loved showing them off to everyone who came to visit.

The end.


  1. What did Dot do when she saw the big blot on the ground?
  2. Why did Dot forget about the hot sun?
  3. What did Dot do with all the knots she collected?

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