The King's Silly Dress Up Day

Once upon a time there was a silly king who loved to play dress up. One day, he put on a scarf, a helmet, a necklace, sandals, a belt, gloves, a ring, a swimsuit, a blouse, a crown, and trainers all at once! He looked so funny that all his subjects couldn't stop laughing. The king decided to go for a walk and show off his new outfit. As he walked, he stumbled and fell, causing all his accessories to scatter everywhere. The king quickly picked them up, but put them on in the wrong order. Now, he was wearing the necklace as a belt, the swimsuit as a hat, and the blouse as gloves! The king continued to walk around the kingdom, causing even more laughter and joy. From that day on, the king declared every Friday as "Dress Up Day" and the whole kingdom had a blast trying on silly outfits. The end.


  1. Why did the king put on so many accessories all at once?
  2. How did the people react when they saw the king in his silly outfit?
  3. What happened to the king's accessories when he fell?
  4. Why did the king declare every Friday as "Dress Up Day"?
  5. What would you wear if you had a "Dress Up Day"?

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