Timmy's Adventure: Exploring with a Cap, a Clap, and a Map

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy who loved to explore. One day, he put on his red cap and set out to discover the world. As he walked, he heard a clap of thunder in the distance. "I better find shelter," thought Timmy, as he looked around for a place to hide.

He soon came across a big tree with wide branches. The leaves on the branches were flapping in the wind. Timmy climbed up the tree and found a cozy gap between two branches. He snuggled in and took a nap.

When Timmy woke up, the storm had passed and the sun was shining. He decided to make a map of the area. He climbed down the tree and set out to explore. As he walked, he found a little pond where he could see his reflection in the water. He sat on the bank and dipped his feet in the cool water, enjoying the sensation of the water on his lap.

As he was about to leave, he heard a rustling in the bushes. He cautiously walked towards it, and soon he saw a rabbit stuck in a trap. Timmy quickly released the rabbit and set it free. The rabbit hopped away, grateful for Timmy's help.

Feeling proud of his good deed, Timmy returned home and told his parents all about his adventure. They were impressed with his kindness and his map, and they all clapped for Timmy's bravery and curiosity.

From that day on, Timmy knew that the world was full of exciting things to discover, and he set out on many more adventures, always with his trusty red cap and map in hand.


  1. What did Timmy do when he heard the clap of thunder?
  2. How did Timmy feel after helping the rabbit?
  3. What did Timmy's parents think of his adventure and map?

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