The Rainbow Fruit Adventure

Once upon a time, there was an orange who wanted to be the most colorful fruit in the land. So, it asked for help from all the other fruits and vegetables. The purple grapes suggested it mix with them to become a deeper shade of purple. The grey mushroom suggested it turn more earthy. But the orange didn't want to blend in, it wanted to stand out!

So, the yellow banana suggested they paint the orange. They got a brush and started to paint it pink, brown, red and white. But, the orange wasn't happy with the result, it looked like a mess!

Just then, the black grape appeared and offered to help, as it was an expert in making things look good. With the help of the blueberry and green apple, they finally made the orange look stunning by painting it with black and blue stripes, and green leaves on top.

From that day on, the orange was known as the “Rainbow Fruit” and was loved by all the kids in the land. The end.


  1. What was the orange's original goal?
  2. Who helped the orange become the Rainbow Fruit?
  3. What were the different colors the orange was painted before becoming the Rainbow Fruit?
  4. What does the story teach us about friendship and being unique?

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