The Tickle Fling Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a silly little finger who loved to play pranks. One day, it decided to tickle its friend the toe by surprise. The toe laughed so hard that it kicked the hand, which then smacked the belly, causing it to giggle. The hair on the head got so tickled, it stood on end! The foot joined in the fun, wiggling its toes, and the leg couldn't help but dance along. They all laughed and played together until they were tired, then went to bed with big smiles on their faces. The end.


  1. Which body part started the tickling?
  2. Who got tickled the most?
  3. How did each body part react to the tickling?
  4. How did the story end?
  5. Why was the story called "The Tickle Fling Adventure"?

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