Benny and Whiskers: The Adventure of the Missing Hat

Once upon a time, in a cozy little flat, lived a bat named Benny. Benny loved to fly around the flat at night, chasing after bugs and having fun.

One day, Benny met a new friend named Whiskers, a cute little cat. Benny and Whiskers became the best of friends and would often chat together about their adventures.

One night, Benny and Whiskers were sitting on the windowsill, chatting about where they wanted to fly next when they noticed a rat scurrying across the floor. Benny and Whiskers decided to follow the rat to see where it was going.

The rat led them to a mat in the corner of the room, where they saw a group of rats eating some crumbs. Benny and Whiskers sat and watched the rats for a while, fascinated by their behavior.

Just then, Benny remembered that he had left his hat on the windowsill, so he said goodbye to Whiskers and flew back to the window to retrieve his hat. When he returned to the mat, Whiskers was nowhere to be found. Benny searched all over the flat, but Whiskers was gone.

Benny was sad and worried about his missing friend, so he sat on the windowsill and looked out into the night. As he sat, he saw Whiskers flying towards him, wearing a brand new hat! Whiskers had found a hat shop and bought a hat for Benny as a surprise.

Benny was so happy to see his friend and thanked him for the new hat. From that day on, Benny and Whiskers continued to have many more fun adventures together, always keeping each other safe and always remembering to wear their hats.

The end.


  1. Who are the two main characters in the story?
  2. What did Benny and Whiskers do when they saw the rat scurrying across the floor?
  3. Where did Benny go to retrieve his hat?
  4. What did Whiskers do to make Benny happy again?

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