The Helpful Pine Tree

Once upon a time, in a beautiful forest, there was a pine tree named Pine. Pine loved to stand tall and shine in the sun. Every day, Pine would watch the animals in the forest dine on the delicious berries and nuts that grew on the vines.

But one day, Pine noticed that the animals were not coming to the vines as often. Pine asked the other trees what was happening and they told Pine that the vines were in decline. The vines were not producing as many berries and nuts as they used to.

Pine was very worried and didn't know what to do. So, Pine decided to define the problem and find a solution. Pine noticed that the vines were not getting enough sunlight, because the other trees were blocking it.

Pine decided to thin out the trees around the vines, so that the vines could get more sunlight and produce more berries and nuts for the animals to dine on.

The other trees were hesitant at first, but Pine explained to them that it was for the greater good of the forest and the animals that lived there. After much discussion, the other trees agreed to thin out.

With more sunlight, the vines started to produce more berries and nuts. The animals returned to the forest, and they were able to dine on the delicious fruits of the vine once again.

Pine was very happy and proud of itself for finding a solution to the problem and making the forest a better place for all. From that day on, Pine continued to shine and be a fine example of a helpful and kind tree.


  1. What was the problem that Pine noticed in the forest?
  2. Why did the other trees block the vines from getting enough sunlight?
  3. How did Pine solve the problem of the declining vines?
  4. How did Pine's actions benefit the animals in the forest?

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