The Adventure of the Animal Friends

Once upon a time, a hare came across a crocodile who wanted to be friends. The hare was skeptical but agreed to hang out. They went on a journey and met an eagle, a frog, and a giraffe. The group then encountered a cunning fox who tried to trick them. Just as the fox was about to succeed, a dolphin appeared and used its smarts to outwit the fox. A lizard, a bear, and an elephant joined in on the adventure. They all played together until they came across a lake full of fish and birds. They all had a picnic and continued on their journey, having a great time and making new friends along the way.


  1. Who was the hare's first friend on the adventure?
  2. Who tried to trick the group of animal friends and how did they stop it?
  3. What did the group of animal friends have at the end of the story?
  4. Who joined the group of animal friends along the way?
  5. Who was the smartest animal in the story and how did they help the group?

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