The Animal Picnic Adventure

Once upon a time, a parrot wanted to explore the world and meet new animals. He asked a bird to join him and they set off on their journey. They met a camel who was walking in the desert, a Polar bear who was fishing in the Arctic, and a whale who was swimming in the ocean.
Next, they met a giraffe who was stretching his neck to reach the tallest tree, an eagle who was soaring in the sky, and an elephant who was taking a bath in a river. They all decided to have a picnic together and invited the fish, the octopus, the bear and the zebra.
The parrot had brought some crackers for everyone, but the bear ate them all! The other animals were upset, but then the octopus used its tentacles to make hot dogs for everyone, and they all had a great time.
The end.


  1. Who wanted to explore the world?
  2. What did the animals do when they all met for the picnic?
  3. What did the bear eat?
  4. How did the octopus help make the picnic more fun?
  5. What kind of animals did the parrot and bird meet on their journey?

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