The King's Fashion Folly

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom ruled by a king who loved to collect all kind of accessories. One day, he asked his servant to bring him all of his belongings, and the servant brought him a ring, necklace, belt, sandals, helmet, swimsuit, trainers, blouse, gloves and a crown.

The king was so excited, he decided to try each accessory on one by one. He started with the necklace, but it was too tight and he couldn't breathe. Then he tried the belt, but it was too loose and his pants fell down. The sandals were too big, so he tripped and fell. He put on the helmet, but it was too heavy and he couldn't see.

Next, the king tried the swimsuit, but it was too small and he looked like a sausage. He put on the trainers, but they were the wrong size and he couldn't walk. The blouse was too long, so he looked like a clown. He tried on the gloves, but they were too tight and he couldn't move his fingers.

Finally, the king put on the crown and it fit perfectly. He was so happy, but then he realized that he was all alone in his room, and he had forgotten to invite anyone to his fashion show. So, he put on his scarf and went outside to show off his new accessories to everyone in the kingdom.

Everyone laughed and cheered when they saw the king's funny outfits, and from that day on, he learned that the most important thing was to have fun and not to take himself too seriously. The end.


  1. What did the king collect?
  2. What happened when the king tried each accessory on?
  3. How did the king feel after trying on all his accessories?
  4. Why did the king go outside with his scarf?
  5. What did the king learn from this experience?

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