The Pirate's Brush Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a woman named Bridget who was a pirate. One day, she found a magical brush that could make anything she painted with it come to life. Bridget decided to paint a tomato and a jeep. The tomato became so big that it squished the jeep. Suddenly, a fairy appeared and granted Bridget three wishes. She wished for a robot to help her on her pirate adventures, an orange that was as big as a house, and for all the insects in the world to be made of glass. And so it was! Bridget and her robot sailed the seven seas, eating giant oranges and admiring the beautiful glass insects. The end.


  1. What did the woman pirate wish for?
  2. What happened when the tomato was painted with the magical brush?
  3. How did the fairy help the woman pirate?
  4. What did the robot do in the story?
  5. Why were the insects made of glass?

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