Once upon a time, there was a rabbit named Hoppy who lived in China. One day, as he was looking through his calendar, he realized that it was almost New Year's Eve! He was so excited because, in China, New Year's was all about prosperity, luck, and eating lots of delicious dumplings!
Hoppy decided to invite his entire family over for a big feast to celebrate the new year. He went to the market to buy ingredients for the dumplings and while he was there, he also picked up some oranges – they symbolize good luck in China!
When the day finally arrived, Hoppy's family gathered around the table to eat dumplings and drink tea. Just when they were about to take their first bite, they heard a loud roar outside. It was a dragon!
The dragon said, "I am looking for someone to bring me good luck this New Year!" Hoppy's family told the dragon about the oranges and offered to share them with him. The dragon was so happy that he decided to join the family for dinner! They all ate dumplings together and had a wonderful time.
From that day on, the dragon became a regular visitor to Hoppy's house during New Year's Eve. And every year, they would all gather around the table to eat dumplings, drink tea, and share oranges to bring them good luck and prosperity. The end.
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