Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Bella who loved milk. Every night, before she went to bed, she would drink a glass of milk to help her sleep well. One night, as she was sipping her milk, she heard a strange noise coming from her desk. She cautiously approached it and to her surprise, she found a tiny bell ringing loudly!
Bella was so excited and decided to follow the sound. She squeezed through her desk and found herself in a magical world filled with ten tents. Each tent was a different color and had a different belt around it. Bella was amazed and decided to explore.
As she walked around, she noticed that every time she came near a tent, the bell on her desk would ring even louder. She finally came to a green tent with a shiny gold belt and the bell rang so loudly that it woke up everyone in the magical world.
Everyone gathered around and asked Bella why she had come. She told them about the bell and how she just wanted to see where it was leading her. They all laughed and said, “Bella, you’re in luck! The bell was ringing because it wanted you to come to our annual milk-drinking contest!”
Bella was thrilled and entered the contest, but she soon discovered that there was a catch. Everyone had to drink their milk while standing on one foot and wearing a belt. Bella was determined to win and drank her milk while standing on one foot and wearing the shiny gold belt.
To everyone’s surprise, Bella won the contest and the bell rang even louder than before. Bella was overjoyed and the people of the magical world cheered. From that day on, Bella was known as the “Milk-Drinking Champion of the Bell Tent Belt World!”
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