The Elves' Gingerbread Mishap at the Forest Resort

Once upon a time, in a magical forest there was a holiday resort filled with wooden cabins. The workers who built the cabins were elves. They worked hard to make sure that every cabin was perfect for the guests who would stay there. One day, it was close to Christmas and the workers realized they had forgotten to decorate the cabins for the holiday season. In a rush, they decided to use their magic to turn the cabins into gingerbread houses. To their surprise, the cabins were so delicious that all the guests started eating them! The workers had to use their magic again to turn the cabins back to normal before the guests ate all of them. From then on, the elves made sure to decorate the cabins for Christmas every year so they wouldn't make the same mistake again.


  1. How did the elves turn the cabins into gingerbread houses?
  2. Why did the guests start eating the cabins?
  3. What did the elves do to fix the cabins?
  4. Have you ever made a mistake like the elves did in the story? How did you fix it?

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