Title: "The Sweetest Trick: A Candy-Filled Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a brother and sister named Max and Lily. Max and Lily lived with their dad, mum, grandpa, and grandma in a big house. One day, Max asked his grandpa to tell him a funny story. Grandpa thought for a moment and then said, "I have the perfect story!

One day, your dad and I decided to play a trick on your mum and grandma. We told them that we had discovered a magical land where everything was made of candy. Your mum and grandma were so excited that they put on their sugar-proof suits and set out on an adventure to find this land.

Meanwhile, we had set up a room filled with candy from floor to ceiling, and when your mum and grandma entered, they were in for a sweet surprise! They were so happy that they started eating candy non-stop.

After a while, your mum and grandma realized that they were stuck in the room because they had eaten so much candy that they couldn't fit through the door!"

Max and Lily laughed so hard that they fell off the couch. And from that day on, they made sure to never eat too much candy at once!


  1. What was the trick that the dad and grandpa played on the mum and grandma?
  2. Why did the mum and grandma put on their sugar-proof suits?
  3. How did the mum and grandma react to being stuck in the room full of candy?
  4. What lesson did Max and Lily learn from this story?

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