Gray's Adventure in the Bay Village

Once upon a time, in a small bay village, there was a little clay bird named Gray. Gray was very curious and loved to play, but one day, he wanted to explore beyond the bay. He asked his mother if he could go, and she said "Okay, but come back before the day is over."

Gray set off on his adventure and had a lot of fun exploring the rocky cliffs, swimming in the crystal clear water, and making friends with the other animals in the bay. But as the day went on, Gray realized that he had been away for a long time and he needed to head back home.

However, on his way back, he got lost and couldn't find his way home. He looked for a sign to guide him back but he couldn't find one. He started to get worried and thought about his mother waiting for him. He felt guilty for the delay.

But just when he had given up hope, he saw a familiar gray rock that he remembered seeing near his home. He followed it and soon he was back in his village. His mother was overjoyed to see him and hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry for the delay, mom," Gray apologized.
"It's okay, my dear. I'm just happy you're back safe and sound," his mother replied.

From then on, Gray made sure to always pay attention to his surroundings and not to stay away too long, so he wouldn't get lost again. And he continued to play and explore, but always remembered to come back home before the day was over.


  1. What did Gray want to do in the story?
  2. How did Gray feel when he realized he was lost?
  3. What did Gray's mother say when he finally returned home?
  4. What did Gray learn from his adventure and what did he do differently after that?

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