The Adventure of the Emotions in Feelingsville

Once upon a time, there was a group of emotions who lived in a town called Feelingsville. One day, they all got together to plan a big adventure. Surprised was the first to speak up, "I heard there's a giant cake in the forest that we could go find and eat!" Hungry jumped with excitement, "That sounds like the perfect plan! I'm starving!" Excited added, "Me too! Let's go right now!"

But then Sick spoke up, "I don't think I can go, I don't feel so good." Angry chimed in, "Well, this is just great, now what are we supposed to do?" Sleepy rubbed his eyes, "Can we just stay home and take a nap instead?" Tired nodded, "I'm so exhausted, I don't want to go on any adventure today."

Sad sighed, "I don't want to stay home, but I don't want to go without Sick." Scared whispered, "I'm scared to go into the forest, what if we get lost?" Happy tried to cheer everyone up, "Come on guys, let's not give up so easily! We can still have fun even if we stay home." Bored added, "Yeah, we can play games or tell jokes to pass the time."

In the end, they all stayed home and had a great time together, playing games and telling jokes until they felt better. They realized that no matter where they went or what they did, as long as they were together, they could always have a good time.

The end.


  1. What did Surprised suggest the group of emotions do?
  2. How did Sick feel about going on the adventure?
  3. Why were Sleepy and Tired not excited to go on an adventure?
  4. How did Happy try to cheer everyone up?
  5. In the end, what did the group of emotions realize about having a good time together?

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