The Rainbow Parade: A Colorful Adventure

Here's a story for kids:

Once upon a time in a colorful kingdom, there lived 10 friends: Green, One, Red, Orange, Blue, Pink, Grey, Black, Yellow, and White. They all lived together in peace, but there was one thing they couldn't agree on: which color was the best!

One day, they decided to have a contest to see which color was the most popular. Each color made a flag and paraded it around the kingdom. The crowd cheered for Green, clapped for Red, and even danced to Orange's beat. But when Purple entered the parade, everyone was stunned! It was the most beautiful color they had ever seen!

From that day on, Purple became the new king of colors, and all the other colors learned to appreciate each other's unique qualities. Brown even made a big feast to celebrate their friendship, and everyone enjoyed the delicious food together, surrounded by all the colors of the rainbow!

The end.


  1. Who are the 10 friends in the story?
  2. Why did they have a contest to find the most popular color?
  3. What happened when Purple entered the parade?
  4. What is the new king of colors?
  5. How did the friends celebrate their friendship at the end of the story?

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