The Fun-Loving Friends Party

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends named Sit, Sing, Cook, Play, See, Dance and Read. They loved to have fun together. One day, they decided to have a big party. Sit suggested they all sit and sing together. Cook started cooking up a delicious feast. Play brought out his guitar and they all played music. See took out her binoculars and went to see if anyone was coming. Dance started to dance and everyone joined in. Finally, Read brought out a bunch of books and they all took turns reading. They had so much fun that they decided to have a party like this every week!


  1. Who are the main characters in the story?
  2. What did each character bring to the party?
  3. How did everyone have fun at the party?
  4. Why did the friends decide to have a party every week?

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