The Great Toy Race

Once upon a time, there was a group of toys who loved to play together every day. One day, the doll suggested they have a race to see who was the fastest toy. The teddy bear, yo-yo, jump rope, ball, and bicycle all agreed, but the train said he wouldn't be able to race because he was too slow.

The day of the race arrived and all the toys lined up at the starting line. When the race started, the doll took off in her car, the yo-yo raced with its string, the teddy bear bounced along on its belly, the bicycle pedaled as fast as it could, and the jump rope twirled its way down the path.

Just as they were about to cross the finish line, the train suddenly appeared and zoomed past them all! The other toys were shocked and asked the train how he managed to beat them all. The train replied with a laugh, "I may be slow on land, but I'm the fastest on the tracks!"

From that day on, the toys learned to appreciate each other's unique talents and continued to have fun playing together. The end.


  1. What was the race between the toys about?
  2. Who won the race in the end?
  3. How did the other toys feel when the winner was announced?
  4. What did the toys learn from this experience?
  5. What would you have done if you were one of the toys in the story?

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