The Great Farmyard Prank

Once upon a time in a farmyard, there lived a group of animals - a bird, cows, cats, a rabbit, dogs, and more birds. One day, the bird had an idea to play a prank on the cows. The bird flew down and whispered in the ear of the cow, "Did you hear about the new breed of super rabbits? They can outrun the fastest dogs!" The cow was so frightened she ran away as fast as she could. The cat, who had been napping nearby, woke up and asked the bird what was going on. The bird told the cat the same story, but the cat wasn't fooled. "Ha! I'm not afraid of any silly rabbits," said the cat. But when the rabbit appeared, the cat took off running too. The dogs, seeing all the commotion, started chasing after the cows and the cat. In the end, everyone was exhausted and realized it was all just a joke. They all had a good laugh and went back to their regular routines, but the bird couldn't resist sneaking up and scaring the cows every once in a while, just for fun.


  1. Who started the chain of events in the story?
  2. How did the animals react to the prank?
  3. Why do you think the bird played the prank on the cows, cats and rabbits?
  4. What do you think would have happened if the cat didn't run away from the rabbit?
  5. Do you think the bird learned a lesson from playing the prank?

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