Lily's Fruity Breakfast Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to eat breakfast foods. One morning, she woke up to find that her mother had made her a cup of tea and a bowl of cereal. But Lily wasn't in the mood for either of those things. She wanted something sweeter. So she decided to make herself a breakfast of fruits and pancakes.
She grabbed a pear, some yogurt, and started making pancakes. She mixed the batter with some grapes and a sliced peach, and before she knew it, she had created the most delicious pancakes ever! She topped them with hot chocolate and an omelet made with more fruit.
Lily was so happy with her creation that she started to dance around the kitchen. Her mother, who had been watching her, couldn't help but laugh at the silly sight. And that was the end of Lily's breakfast adventure.


  1. What was Lily's original breakfast plan?
  2. What did Lily add to her pancake batter?
  3. How did Lily's mother feel about Lily's breakfast adventure?
  4. What was the end result of Lily's breakfast adventure?

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