The Animal School Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a school where all the classes were taught by animals. In music class, the teacher was a singing bird. In computer class, the teacher was a tech-savvy rabbit. In swimming class, the teacher was a water-loving otter. The students loved to play outside during recess and English class was taught by a wise old owl. In art class, the teacher was a colorful parrot, and in math class, the teacher was a clever fox.

One day, the students decided to switch classes for the day. The bird went to computer class, the rabbit to music class, the otter to art class, the owl to math class, the parrot to swimming class, and the fox to English class.

Hilarity ensued as the students struggled with their new subjects and the animal teachers tried their best to teach what they knew. But at the end of the day, they all agreed that they had learned something new and had a lot of fun.

The moral of the story: You never know what you can do until you try!


  1. What did the students learn from their animal teachers?

  2. Which class was the most challenging for the students?

  3. What did the students think of the animal teachers' teaching styles?

  4. Do you think the students would like to switch classes again? Why or why not?

  5. What was the moral of the story?

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