Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sarah who loved to do gymnastics. She was always flipping and tumbling and never stopped moving. One day, she decided to try something new and signed up for a tennis lesson.
But whenever she tried to play tennis, she was so used to flipping and jumping that she started doing gymnastics moves on the court. This made her tennis coach very confused!
Sarah's friends would always ask her why she never played tennis like a normal person, to which she would reply, "I usually do gymnastics, not tennis!"
One day, Sarah received an e-mail inviting her to a special tennis tournament. She was so excited that she immediately went to the park to practice. But, no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't play tennis like a normal person.
So on the day of the tournament, Sarah decided to just be herself and play with her own unique style. And you know what? She won the tournament! From that day on, Sarah learned that it's okay to be different and to never stop being yourself.
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