Lily's Weather Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who lived in a town where the weather was always changing. One day, she woke up to find that it was cloudy outside. She decided to go to a restaurant for breakfast. But as soon as she stepped outside, she realized that it was breezy too! The wind was so strong that it was difficult for her to walk. So she ran to the restaurant as fast as she could.

Once she was inside, she noticed that the sky had become stormy and the winds had become even stronger. The rain started pouring down and the chill set in. Lily was so cold that she decided to go to the movie theater to warm up. But when she got there, she found out that the movie theater was closed because of the snowstorm.

Lily was disappointed, but she didn't give up. She went back outside and started walking in the snow. Suddenly, the snow stopped and the sun came out. The sky was now sunny and warm. Lily smiled and continued her walk.

But as soon as she turned the corner, she found herself in a dense fog. She couldn't see anything ahead of her, but she heard the sound of raindrops hitting the ground. It was now a rainy day again.

Lily returned to the restaurant, where she enjoyed a hot meal and a warm drink. She learned that no matter what the weather was like, she could always find a place to stay warm and dry. And from that day on, she never complained about the weather again!


  1. What was the weather like when Lily woke up in the beginning of the story?
  2. Why did Lily go to the movie theater?
  3. What happened when she turned the corner in the foggy weather?
  4. How did Lily feel about the changing weather by the end of the story?
  5. Can you think of another place Lily could have gone to stay warm and dry?

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