The Winter Sports Adventure Race & Breakfast Feast

Once upon a time in a land of snow, there was a group of friends who loved to play on their winter sports equipment. They had skis, ice skates, snowboards, in-line skates, skateboards, sleds, scooters, and even a unicycle! One day, they decided to race to see who could get to the finish line first.
But just as they were getting ready, they remembered they had to do their homework first. So they quickly finished their homework and rushed to the starting line.
As they started the race, they encountered many obstacles and challenges. The snowboarder did flips and tricks while the scooter zoomed past them. The unicycle rode on one wheel while balancing a breakfast plate.
In the end, they all crossed the finish line and celebrated with a big feast of breakfast foods. And they learned that having fun and doing their responsibilities can both be achieved. The end.


  1. What was the race about?
  2. What were the obstacles and challenges that the friends encountered during the race?
  3. What did the friends learn at the end of the race?
  4. Which winter sports equipment did you like the most? Why?
  5. Do you think it's important to balance fun with responsibilities? Why or why not?

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