The Adventures of Winter and Small: The Seasonal Sizes Story".

Once upon a time, there were six seasons: Winter, Big, Small, Fall, Spring, and Summer. Winter was the biggest of them all and was very proud of his size. But one day, he met Small, who was the smallest of them all, and they became friends.

One day, Winter asked Small, "Why are you so small?" Small replied, "I'm always falling, so I never grow!" Winter laughed and said, "That's silly, you should stand up tall like me!"

So, Small stood up tall, and to everyone's surprise, he started to grow! In no time, Small grew as big as Winter. The other seasons were amazed, and they all wanted to be just like Small and Winter.

Fall decided to try it first and started to stand up tall, but he just kept falling. Spring tried next, and she started to grow, but she grew so much that she got stuck in the sky! Summer tried last, and she grew so big that she melted all the snow in winter!

Winter and Small laughed at the silly antics of the other seasons and enjoyed their friendship. From that day on, they all learned to be happy with their own size and have fun no matter what season it was.


  1. What was the relationship between Winter and Small?
  2. What happened when Small stood up tall?
  3. What did the other seasons do to try and be like Winter and Small?
  4. How did the story end?
  5. Why did Winter and Small stay friends?

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